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Monday, May 9, 2011

*Enter Witty Title Here*

First off, I want to apologize for not posting much. It's been terribly hot the past few days and I feel like it has fried my brain. I try to think of something that would interest my readers, or something that would be beneficial, but I can't come up with anything. I even contemplated reviewing a book (that I read in March) but I figured everyone else had read it and might find it boring.

I have found it difficult to think off things that would keep people coming back to TITW and want to read what I have to say. I realized that they enjoy controversial posts like "Talk to a Pagan" but I want to keep this blog political-free as much as I possibly can. I don't want to flamed or insulted or attacked. Been there, done that, no thank you! I have spent the past few days thinking of what to post, and even considered posting weekly quotes to make people smile. With websites like ThinkExist, I think it would be redundant because they can just go there instead of looking at my little blog.

What I might start doing is offering weekly posts for magick like tarot, spells, rituals, spell-writing, and things like that. There are millions of Wiccans out there looking for spells and other tools like that to add to their BOS. At first, I ditched the idea because I didn't want people stealing what I hold sacred, but then I realized that it can't physically or even magickally (I know, not a word) hurt me because it's just text on a blog no one cares about.

So starting sometime soon, I will start posting spells, correspondences, tarot, numerology... blah blah blah. What kind of things would YOU like to see?


Unknown said...

That sounds like a really good idea!! I've also got to start posting more on my blog.

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