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Friday, March 25, 2011

A Wal-Mart Morning

Now, I am not one to do spells in public, especially in a place like Wal-Mart. But every other Friday, my Mom, twin, and I head out to Wal-Mart after taking Dad to work (at 6 in the freakin' morning) so we can get groceries since we usually have other things to do during the day. In fact, I pride myself in knowing exactly which isle to do down to find that box of cereal or bag of pizza rolls. So I volunteered (along with Twin, though she didn't know it at the time) to get the things from the Pharmacy end since it was such a long way for Mom to go to. I knew where everything was. Or so I thought.

I had to get motion sickness pills and figured they would be in the aisle with the Maalox, but I was wrong. I even went down the laxative isle, just looking for it. I gave up, and got the other things and sat down next to Twin. After 10 minutes of trying to figure it out, Twin got up to look. She couldn't find it either. So I decided to do a spell that I had used many times at home and was successful. But I was wary to do it in Wal-Mart. Not because of the Wiccan stigma in public, but because it would have looked weird the way I have to do it. Twin said "Why don't you make it look like you're resting your head on your hand?". Brilliant idea! So I did the spell (which, luckily, doesn't include ANY chants or anything) and looked around afterward to see if anyone was around. The good thing about Wal-Mart at the crack of dawn is that it is almost like a ghost town except for a few morning people who want to get their shopping done like us.

Not 10 minutes later, Mom came down the isle and went right to the Cold/Flu aisle. I was perplexed because I never heard of motion sickness medicine being next to the NyQuil! I am SO glad I did the spell. Otherwise, I would have never known to look in that area.

So now I have a question for you: Would you ever do a small spell in a public place (it doesn't have to be Wal-Mart) if you needed do it for something like remembering where you parked or finding that one shirt you saw yesterday?


Unknown said...

I'm glad it worked- or we would have never figured it out!!

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