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Monday, March 28, 2011

Construct Your Inner Altar

Some Wiccans have an inner altar (like me) while some do not. Some don't want it and some don't know how to do it. So this may help!

The first step you need to do is center and ground yourself. Once you get used to visiting it, you won't have to center and ground every single time (unless you want to, of course). Do the square breathing and all your heart rate to slow a little bit. Make sure to clear your mind, otherwise it won't work or you won't get all the information you need.

Imagine you are walking on a paved road. You eventually come to a fork in the road, one going east, one going west, and one going straight. These represent the North, East, and West. Since each one is associated with an element, take the road that is associated with your element.

After a little while, you finally come up on your building that contains your altar and meditation area. It will vary from person to person, depending on your element and what makes you comfortable. While my element is Water, my altar is out in the country somewhere with just a shed to house my altar. Walk in and observe your surroundings. Make sure you know where everything is and you will see that everything you need, including your Book of Shadows, are already there and ready for us. It may not look like your altar at home, but then it again, it is possible.

Now, don't do any magick this time. It is just to get you accustomed to the inner altar Feel the floor through your feet. Feel the air. Touch the altar and tools. Stay as long as you want. When you are ready to leave, walk out the door and face it. Draw a purple pentacle with your hand over the door to protect and lock it. If it is out in the country, just draw a purple circle around the area. Walk back the same way you came.

You have now constructed your inner altar! You may have to center and ground once or twice more until you are used to visiting the altar and then, you don't have to ground unless you want to.


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