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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Merry Meet!

We haven't been formally introduced!

My real name is Angela but when I'm networking with other Pagans, my name is Maiden Autumn Moon.I am currently 26-years-old and as the title of my blog says, I reside in Texas. I am also Wiccan and proud. I have been Wiccan since about 2005, though it's quite possible I am a 3rd generation Wiccan. But I have to do more research before I can actually make it official.

But I am not the only witch in my family. My twin sister (yep, that's right: I am a twin! Our powers together are amazing!!), Amanda, and my Mom are also Wiccan. I won't go into how we can about it because that is definitely a long story better suited for a later date.

I DID study with a living familiar but because she has entered the Crone stage of kitty years, I had to retire her. It seems to tire her out quicker so I figured it was best to let her enjoy the rest of her life (which seems to be immortal!) eating, sleeping, and getting plenty of attention. I do have several other fur babies I will consider for a familiar, as soon as they grow up. LOL We had a few fur babies that seem to be a little immature. But it is also possible that they will handle the work with their energy and be able to send it out faster.

I enjoy meeting and talking to other Pagans, because you can learn so much from them! I have quite a few on Facebook and consider them dear to me. They have taught me a lot and I wouldn't trade their knowledge for anything in the world.

So why am I insane? Life is stressful and the only way I know how to deal is act crazy. Oh, it hasn't landed me in trouble or in jail, but I have an inner child that is just bursting to get through!


Whispering Woods said...

Merry Meet Angela.. I'm down south in Houston. Have a great day and Blessed Be

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